Enlightened Path Healing

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Are You an Emotional Warrior?

Do you feel like you are a sponge for other people's moods and emotions? Do strangers tell you their deepest secrets within seconds of meeting you?

You, my friend, might be a mysterious — but very spiritually trendy — creature known as an empath. Empaths are extremely sensitive to other people's emotions, are deeply connected to nature and animals, and possess a heightened awareness that has shaped their lives dramatically.

Empaths are usually gifted healers and possess spiritual tools such as clairvoyance and telepathy. Empaths typically have a stronger intuition that allows them to sense what others may be feeling. They are also more sensitive to touch, smells, and sounds. If this describes you, you know the joys and the challenges that come with having a deep connection with others.

You may find it difficult to not feel overwhelmed by all the information and sensations coming at you. Try to remember that you can't take on other people's problems as your own. Staying a bit detached is an essential tool of self-preservation.

I've always absorbed the energy of others in a room, and depending on the vibe, it can be delightful, energizing, overwhelming, or even unpleasant. Many empaths identify as introverts, and by nature, other people's energy can be draining and exhausting. I'm an ultra-extrovert, but if the energy sent out isn't positive, it can take its toll on me.

Unless you have super-intuitive powers — and if you do, I hope you are developing those gifts! — you won't know the energy of a group or even an individual until you are in their space. Since you can't always extricate yourself from the situation, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself before you even step foot out the door.

My first tip for guarding my space is meditation. I practice transcendental meditation twice a day; my first session connects me to the universe. The second sheds any energies I picked up from others and my environment.

Suppose I know that I will be spending time in a large group or with someone who "feels" negative to me. I zip an invisible golden bubble around myself before heading out. Depending on what connects with you, you might want to carry your magic mirror for deflecting energy back or snap on your Wonder Woman bracelets.

Being an empath is a clear sign that you have intuitive and healing abilities. But it can also cause you distress in situations where the energy doesn't serve your highest good. Taking a few moments to prepare yourself in the morning can prevent you from feeling drained.