Enlightened Path Healing

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Choose Happiness, Not Envy

The object of gratitude is not to get more but to be more. ~ William James Still

Remember how your parents used to tell you not to waste food and there were hungry kids in the world? The lesson on gratitude was meant to make you think about how lucky you are because you had food on the table. Even if it was liver.

As you get older and start to understand the concept of gratitude, you're bombarded with commercials and marketing ploys for all the latest, coolest gadgets. This goes against your early teaching to be happy with what you already have. And jealousy is especially difficult to battle when your friends have what you desire.

But suppose you only express love and gratitude for earthly things. There's no depth or deeper meaning in that case because everything breaks down, ages, and stops working someday. The higher purpose of gratitude is to enrich your life with joy and fulfillment.

Sometimes envy can help motivate us to get what we want in life, but it can detract from our happiness and slow down our progress. If you're ready to eliminate that jealousy and show genuine gratitude, here are a few reminders for you:

  1. Gratitude can be expressed by doing big and small things. You don't need to spend a lot of money to show your appreciation and gratitude. Something as simple as a thank-you note can brighten someone's day.

  2. Gratitude must be practiced regularly, even during difficult times. By doing something small but meaningful each day to show your appreciation, you're forming a vital habit that will last for your lifetime.

  3. Gratitude is not all about money. Making charitable contributions is a beautiful idea, but if you can't afford to donate any money, there are multiple other ways to help. You can volunteer your time at a soup kitchen, animal shelter, or different charity that suits your interests.