Enlightened Path Healing

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Beating of the Heart (Chakra)

Are you right with the man (or woman) in the mirror?⠀

Today we are going to take a look at the fourth - or heart - chakra. This beautiful chakra, represented by the color green, is a busy one. It’s not only our center for loving others, it’s where we absorb and become energized by the love that we receive, including from ourselves.⠀

Would it surprise you to learn that a huge chunk of people have the⠀
“loving others” part down pat? Most of the people I’ve worked with love fully and deeply, but don’t feel they deserve to be loved in return. Instead, they believe things would improve in their relationships if they only loved more, stronger, BETTER. You can see where this is going. ⠀

Churning out devotion, adoration, and intimacy like you are a love machine turned to high can be fulfilling for a while - your partner gets to soak up all the affection while you get the feelings of happiness that loving others brings. ⠀

But if you are doing all the heavy lifting in the relationship and not getting anything in return, eventually it’s going to do a number on your confidence. You are going to start to question if your partner loves you at all. If they are unable or unwilling to prop you up when you need it, your connection will most likely stall or come to a halt.⠀

Facts: You shouldn’t be the source of all the love in a relationship. It’s unhealthy and unsustainable. You deserve to receive just as much as you give. ⠀

But maybe you think it’s a fairy tale and that you will never find someone who will love you back. To chase these feelings of doubt away you have to first believe you are worthy of being loved - and that starts with loving yourself. It’s true. That is the greatest love of all. ⠀

The first step towards opening yourself up to love is to make sure your heart chakra is in alignment. Some of my favorite ways to do this are meditating with a rose quartz, doing breath work that concentrates on the fourth chakra, or repeating positive affirmations about self-love.⠀

Set aside some time this week to work on your heart chakra. Notice if it makes any difference in the way you feel.