Enlightened Path Healing

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Meet Trece Spalten (and His Guides)

As you may have heard, I’m leading a “getting to know your spirit guides” (sign up lhere) workshop on Sunday, 5.23 at noon est with my good friend Trece Spalten. So I think it’s time you met my partner in healing and intuition.

I’ll let him do the honors:

“My name is Trece Spalten. I’m an intuitive medium, teacher, and healing arts practitioner based in Austin, TX, specializing in guiding people to live powerfully authentic lives through the wisdom, healing, and purpose of their soul: the deepest experience of the Who You Really Are.

"I started down this path at an early age, always drawn by a longing to understand where I “fit into” this world and why I have real-life experiences of things others insist are imaginary. My journey taught me how to reclaim these seemingly odd parts of me as gifts that could heal my life, and in turn, help heal the lives of others.

“Remembering my true identity as a spiritual being, along with developing intuitive skills and healing practices, gave me the ability to rise above heavy family dysfunction, depression, abusive relationships, the pitfalls of being a gay man, ancestral burdens, and the overall trauma of modern life, as a person who is happy, healthy, and whole. For real.”

Trece is truly one of the best mediums I’ve ever worked with - and trust me, there have been many. Spirits trust him at a level I’ve never experienced before. Trece has plenty of other magical gifts, and he’s funny, warm, and generous. Be sure to check out his Instagram page. And of course, please join us for our Opening Up to Your Spirit Guides workshop.