Enlightened Path Healing

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Following My Healing Path

How did you get here? ⠀

What first came to mind when you read this question?⠀

“Here” can be anywhere ... even a state of mind. It can be the place where you live, your spiritual path, or even this IG page. I wanted to share with you my story about how I got “here.”⠀

For as long as I could remember, I was told I had healing hands. People said they felt a spark when I touched them, and I would often feel static energy when I brought my palms together. This energy blew out more lightbulbs, and restarted more computers than I can count.⠀

As I grew older, strangers started to comment about my healing aura - in fact, I was on vacation in San Francisco and a smiling man ran into traffic just to tell me I had a great vibe. These random encounters helped me accept and start to use the gifts I was given. ⠀

It was a disaster. ⠀

I mistakenly used to my abilities to try and fix people and their problems. The people I worked on felt pretty good afterwards but it didn’t last. I wasn’t really helping anyone - much less healing them - so I chalked it up to not being any good at it. ⠀

Instead, I followed a path that wasn’t mine. I worked at unfulfilling jobs, and I chased people and experiences that weren’t good for me. I wanted desperately to have joy in my life, but it always remained just outside my grasp. I had no idea how to get it.⠀

The coronavirus lockdown changed all that. I suddenly had plenty of time to delve into my past and reflect on how it impacted the choices I made. I realized I wasn’t “bad” at healing. I just didn’t know how to use its energy for my highest good and the good of others.⠀

My journey led me to study with life interventionists, Reiki masters, and intuitives. My teachers handed me the tools to reframe and heal my experiences, and turn them into empowering beliefs. In the process, I changed the way I healed. I now use it to shine a light so people can carve out their own paths.⠀

And that’s what being a healer is all about: showing others the power was inside them all along. It’s sometimes buried underneath the rubble of past hurts and situations ... but it’s there.