Enlightened Path Healing

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My Spiritual Journey: Kelley Snyder

Every month, I will introduce you to someone I’ve met along my spiritual path who has inspired me. Meet Kelley Snyder. Kelley has been working in the field of spirituality and mentoring for close to 10 years. She has been formally trained and certified in Yoga, Reiki, NLP & Timeline Therapy, and Energetic Mastery Coaching. Kelley's business, Soul Programming, helps people shift outdated programmed beliefs and re-write their truths so they can step into their most powerful life.

Tell us about your life's journey and what brought you to this place.

Well, let's see, how do I explain massive transformation multiple times in just one place? Lol.

I started dance lessons when I was just three years old! I was always moving (singing, dancing, running, jumping), and now that I understand energy, I think that I was just mastering the transmutation of energy. Anyways I was a competitive dancer from the age of 9 until 18. I loved every aspect of dance. The freedom to express myself, the costumes and makeup, the sisterhood that was created with my dance friends, the traveling to competitions, the excitement of performances, the thrill of celebrating first place.

When I was 18 I tried out for the OSU Dance Program (the number one modern dance program in the country). I did not get in, and it crushed me. I stopped dancing. I began to party even harder in college. I dropped out and decided to go to school to be an Esthetician (a rebirth of sorts). I worked at a few salons after graduation and really loved it. I knew I wanted to leave Columbus and live in new places, so I began to save up all my money.

I moved to L.A. when I was 22 (another rebirth). I stayed for about five months (pretty much everything that could go wrong when you move to a new spot did) before I decided it wasn't really my place. So I moved in with some of my dance sisters in Brooklyn, NY (another rebirth). My friends had moved to NYC to pursue dancing, and yet I still was removed from that part of my life. I worked at a few restaurants and babysat on the side.

After one winter, I decided I was ready for another "fresh start." I moved to Yellowstone National Park for a few months to work in a restaurant there (rebirth again, right?). After the season in Yellowstone was complete, I went back to Columbus, OH, to save up some money to move back to California....this time, I knew I wanted to live in San Diego.

I had some friends in SD and could picture it being my home. I didn't know what I would do in San Diego (to be honest I was DONE with the restaurant industry), but I trusted that I would find my way.

After my first five months in Columbus, I was walking around my neighborhood and stumbled into a shop that was selling essential oil sprays aligned with the chakras. Now all of this was very new to me, but I had been using oils and wrapping crystal jewelry in my spare time, so I was intrigued. While I was shopping around, a kind woman told me, "We are going to start class now, so I can either check you out with your purchases now, or you can take a class, and we will discuss after." I said, "What kind of class?", unaware that there was even a classroom behind the retail space. When she told me it was yoga, I thought, why not, and tried it out.

While I was in that class, my whole view on life changed. I was back inside my body and I was free from the mental prison of limitation. I knew I needed to be a yoga teacher, and so I realized that this was the NEXT THING I had been waiting for to reveal itself to me!

Cue the rebirth.

Two months later, I moved to San Diego and did my yoga teacher training. I was now on a path to discovery and remembering my purpose on this planet. For the next few years, I met the most incredible people, had too many deaths and rebirths within myself to count, and started really becoming the woman I am today.

I learned SO MUCH about myself. After four and a half years of calling San Diego home, I went to teach in Central America with a traveling Conscious Circus. It was there that I began teaching dance classes again, and something LIT UP inside of me. I remembered who I was when I was dancing....the highest version of myself!!!!

After Central America, I moved back to NYC and stayed a year. Then back to San Diego and stayed 18 months. It was here, during Covid, that I decided I needed another HUGE change. SO I moved to Mexico. I stayed there for 18 months and underwent the biggest transformation of my life. I confronted some very scary parts of myself and integrated some biiiiig lessons that I had learned on my journey.

I met my current boyfriend while visiting San Diego (and living in Mexico), and he is originally from New Jersey, so when our time was up on our beautiful home, Isla Mujeres, we decided to move to NJ to start a new life!

How many rebirths are we on now? That leads me to HERE, in this amazing little town of Montclair. So short answer is this, what brought me here is the Divine Path that Spirit had planned for me to meet many people from around the world, collaborate with like-mind,s and share my gifts and light in many different parts of the globe.

What lessons have you learned along the way?

I have learned so much in the years of really focusing on my path. Some of the main lessons have been to trust that everything will always work out for the highest good of all, to believe in and fully surrender to my intuition & the messages it’s giving me, and to surround myself with people who are also growth-minded.

Where does your happiness come from?

My happiness comes from within. Some practices I have to maintain that inner happiness are dancing, singing, praying, hiking, running, being in nature, having deep conversations with friends, journaling, and trying new things! Physical movement is really key for me to stay in my happiness. That and being connected to my community (my family, friends, students, and teachers).

What inspires you?

People being their authentic selves NO MATTER WHAT! Also, traveling and being in nature.

Who inspires you?

Those closest to me that are doing "the work" even when it is extremely challenging. When they don't give up and keep pushing even though it is painful to face shadowy parts of themselves, thaaat inspires me to do the same.

What gets you excited about life?

Living it! Just being present in my experiences helps me to feel lots of excitement and joy. I get extra excited when I try new things, learn something I didn't have awareness about before, or meet people I haven't yet met.

Can you share a breakthrough with us?

The biggest breakthrough I have ever had (and continue to see active in my life) is to FULLY TRUST and surrender to the Divine Path (God's WIll). Every time we try to go against our intuition, we put ourselves in a cycle that seems to continue until we eventually DO listen to our intuition. So why do we think that our "human way" is better than the messages from our innermost self/above? So what I keep coming back to is allowing my intuition and Divine messages to lead and direct my steps as I navigate life.

What is your superpower?

Being able to deeply connect with myself and other people very quickly. It usually just takes a few moments for me to feel someone else's heart.

How do you stay connected to your higher self and the universe?

Movement medicine. PRAYER. Journaling. Truthful and honest conversations with myself and those who know me intimately. Giving myself card readings.

Is there anything you'd like to share with us (blog, artwork, etc)?

Just my love!!!!!!!!!!!! I truly feel I was put on this planet to remind others to love. So just imagine I am BLASTING you with some pure love.

I also love writing and sharing my heart. So I have been on the newsletter game lately. I would love to share that with anyone who feels connected to my messaging. You can also connect with me on IG @kelleysnyderknows.