Enlightened Path Healing

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My Spiritual Journey: Trece Spalten

Every month, I will introduce you to someone I’ve met along my spiritual path who has inspired me. Meet Trece Spalten. Trece is an intuitive, teacher and healing arts practitioner specializing in connecting people with their inner wisdom and manifesting it through practical skills. His background in psychology (BA), Montessori education, bodywork (LMT), and extensive psychic training have deeply honed his skills of listening, guidance, and insight. At the heart of it, his work centers on helping those seeking greater purpose by rediscovering the soul-level resources that are vital to a whole, meaningful life. Descendant of the Finns, Germans, Norse, and people of the British Isles, Trece honors his ancestors as a profound source of healing and reconnection with the living Earth. Find him at www.trecespalten.com.

Tell us about your life's journey and what brought you to this place?

Today I live and work as an intuitive advisor, evidential medium, and spiritual healer who helps people remember and engage in the magic of life. This is who I have always wanted to be for as long as I can remember. I knew from a very young age that there was real magic in the world and that I had a bit of it. I wanted to be a wizard when I grew up, long before Harry Potter
came around!

When I was a kid, I would make predictions about everyday things, like the weather, and those predictions eventually landed me on the radio forecasting the weather with just my intuition and a child’s willingness to say anything. I did, however, realize that there was something interesting happening with my intuition, that I knew things and had prescient insights, and this led me to search out books and teachers to help me understand it. With more than a sprinkling of these kinds of events in my life, I eventually learned how to navigate the worlds of energy, intuition, and spirit, helping to heal both myself and others with these skills. While this is who I’ve always wanted to be when I grew up, I’m discovering even now that there is still so much more to come as I grow and let my gifts evolve.

What lessons have you learned along the way?

I’ve learned that following your intuition can feel hard. I’ve learned that being spiritual isn’t about being perfect. It’s about presence. I’ve even learned that having integrity and being a good person is far more important than having any kind of powers or abilities, no matter what they are. Most of all, I’ve learned that there really is a big, huge, divine love that is just poured out onto everyone and everything without exception, even when I don’t like it, which is more often than I like to admit. Life’s messy on purpose.

Where does your happiness come from?

Happiness for me is directly connected to my practice of gratitude. When I intentionally appreciate the people and things in my life, I feel happy more often. When I feel sad, angry, or disappointed, I know I can get back to some measure of happiness through appreciation without avoiding my real feelings either.

What inspires you?

Murmuration, when birds or other creatures move as a unified group, connected in their shared movements and direction in ways that still mystify researchers. I’ve always thought there is no greater example of an intuitively connected world.

Who inspires you?

While I could write a book on people who inspire me, one of the names at the top of my list is Dr. Bertice Berry, author, lecturer, and storyteller. Dr. Berry started doing Facebook Lives during the pandemic as a way to lift the spirits of some of her friends who were struggling, telling stories about her life and work, and they went absolutely viral. She inspires me because she shows up every single day with so much love, depth, and humor that I swear she’s as much a spiritual teacher as anything. I aspire to show up in the world with as much genuineness and heart as she does.  

What gets you excited about life?

I get excited about adventures, big or small. I love to travel, and I also love discovering new things about my own neighborhood. An adventure to me is the willingness to be surprised by experiencing life in a different way. Making a new friend is an adventure, and so is driving across the country on vacation. I come up with adventures to go on when I want to feel excited.

Can you share a breakthrough with us?

I spent a lot of time thinking that I needed to fix a bunch of things about me, my life, and my business, which stalled me from taking meaningful actions or, at the very least, caused a lot of anguish for myself when I did take those actions. One day, I was talking with my husband about all the things I needed to do before I could take one of those actions confidently when I realized that I was *really good* at coming up with a lot of reasons to avoid saying the truth: I don’t feel like I’m perfect and if I’m not perfect then I’m not allowed to take meaningful actions or else I will suffer. Holy perfectionism and self-sabotage, Batman! It wasn’t that there were a million things to fix or tweak or work on; there was just one, and the only way to fix it was to let go of impossible standards for myself. I learned a lot about the power of just showing up from that breakthrough.

What is your superpower?

Teaching other people how to discover their own superpowers. There’s nothing more satisfying than the look of astonishment on someone’s face when they realize they’ve just done something they thought, just moments ago, was likely impossible.

How do you stay connected to your higher self and the universe?

I have a regular prayer, ritual, and meditation practice that keeps me connected. I honor and talk with my ancestors. I sit with spirit. I bless the land I live on and sing tunes. I’m inspired to sing as an offering to the living world. I shape my life with the seasons and bring their magic of change into my home for abundance and inspiration. Sometimes I do all of the above on a long walk through the park, and sometimes it’s blended throughout my day.

Is there anything you'd like to share with us?

If you sign up for my newsletter, you’ll get my free guide to instant intuition, which has my favorite techniques for accessing insight and guidance when you need it. I love giving away this guide because I know how confusing it can be to try and tune into intuition when life is happening at full speed. These techniques will get you out of your head and onto the right direction.