Enlightened Path Healing

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My Spiritual Journey: Wendy Flores

Meet Wendy Flores. Wendy is a Usui Reiki Level II practitioner. She also completed her 200-hour yoga teacher training, where she likes to share with her students about moving with the breath to release any stagnant energy.

Tell us about your life's journey and what brought you to this place.
I grew up in a religious household, but the religious teachings never sat well with me, and I always had questions about a higher power and the spiritual world. I explored many different avenues and felt like I always ended up at a dead end. The insecurities I had also made it difficult to see better times. When I discovered Reiki, it helped me tap into myself and be connected to the power I always had within myself. Instead of searching outwards, I began to dig inward.

What lessons have you learned along the way?
I learned not to chase happiness. I learned to value every feeling that I experience as a lesson and to simply sit with it. Nothing is better than being in the present moment, no matter what it is that I'm going through.

Where does your happiness come from?
I'm happy connecting with like-minded humans and talking about supporting one another and being in community.

What inspires you?

Who inspires you?
Spiritual leaders like Dox Diggla from Newark, NJ, inspire me. My close friends inspire me. People who serve as mirrors for me inspire me.

What gets you excited about life?
Whenever I make a decision that takes me out of my comfort zone and out of autopilot

Can you share a breakthrough with us?
Recognizing that everyone is on their own individual journey. My vision for someone else's highest self may not necessarily be their vision for themselves. This taught me to accept people wholeheartedly for who they are in the present moment. They are here on this earth for different reasons than I am, and I need not project my expectations on them. This allowed me to love from a more unconditional space, or at least try to.

What is your superpower?
I am teachable. I am open to change.

How do you stay connected to your higher self and the universe?
I have conversations with my highest self/God/universe wherever I go. I can be walking the dogs or on the bus to work, and I talk out loud or in my head. I have an altar in my bedroom, and I try to sit with it even for 5 minutes a day to set an intention and to find stillness in the midst of all the thoughts running through my mind.

Is there anything you'd like to share with us (blog, artwork, etc)?
I'm working on a body hair positivity blog, and you can check that out here on Instagram. I also post food videos and yoga content here.