Enlightened Path Healing

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Overcoming Stress During the Holidays

Battling stress during the holidays can be a real challenge. There are many things that can lead to this type of stress, including:

·       Family gatherings

·       Coping with loss

·       Busy stores

·       Long lines

·       Projects

·       Gift buying

·       Conflicts

You may also have high expectations that add to the stress of your holiday season. Long gone are the days in which the season was highly anticipated, and there was a sense of magic in the air. As an adult, you may find the season more stressful than joyous. You may even consider holiday stress as a necessary holiday tradition!

 Here are some methods you can use to battle and overcome stress during the holidays:

1.     Are you over-committed? The holidays usually come with many social gatherings that most of us feel we must attend. The fact is that you don’t have to go to every event you’re invited to.

Don’t become so burdened that you secretly wish for the season to pass quickly. Take time to be by yourself. Whether you take a yoga class or a bubble bath, allow yourself to do something enjoyable without worrying about the holiday stress.

2.     Carrying on traditions. If you find that the routine you normally follow for the pure and simple sake of tradition is weighing on you and resulting in more stress than you can deal with, break away from it! You will be happier when you’re free from this stress.

Rather than living up to the expectations of years past, start your own easy-going traditions. Instead of throwing a lavish party, have fewer friends over for tea and cookies. Allow other family members to bring side dishes to the holiday meal instead of cooking it yourself.

3.     Finding the perfect gift. There’s so much pressure to purchase the ideal gift for each person that it takes all the fun out of shopping. Remember, people are generally appreciative for whatever gift they receive. They don’t expect you to go to every corner of the Earth to find them a spectacular gift.

As you can see, there are several effective ways to battle and overcome stress during the holidays. The key is to determine what’s causing your stress so you can eliminate it. In the end, you’ll see that most of the stress you experience is a result of the expectations you pose on yourself.