Enlightened Path Healing

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Things That Make You Go Om

Meditation is a powerful way to help you relax and clear your mind. You may reach an exceptionally deep level of peace - and you'll also sleep more soundly. There are many different types of meditation, all of which have two main goals: making you feel calm and stay focused. Here are a few that you might want to try.

Transcendental Meditation has been around for centuries and was first made popular in Western countries by Indian guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who taught it to the Beatles. The band members said it helped them concentrate, live drug-free lives, and become more creative.

In Buddhist Meditation, practitioners use their breath, physical sensations, positions of the body, and thoughts to find peace and enlightenment. This form of meditation can be done by following a ritual or simply by sitting in silence with awareness of your present thoughts.

Mantra meditation is performed by repeating a word or phrase that has meaning to you as you focus on a sacred object, such as a ritual candle flame. It can promote feelings of serenity and tranquility, reducing stress levels and helping you to achieve a state of deep contemplation.

Mindfulness meditation allows you to focus on your thoughts, feelings and sensations in the present moment — an experience that can be calming, relieving, and freeing. Many psychologists use this technique to treat depression. It builds you up by teaching you to be compassionate and kind to yourself.

Find a meditation technique that you feel drawn to the most and try it out for a week. See how it makes you feel. If it doesn’t click, try something new!