Enlightened Path Healing

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Exploring the Sensual Chakra

Let's get personal for a minute ....⠀

Today, I’m going to talk to you about the second or sacral chakra, the chakra connected to sexuality and relationships. When all is right with this chakra, it can help you create loving, romantic, and *sexual* partnerships.⠀

I like to think of the sacral as the personal power chakra - it helps you tap into and utilize your inner strength to create the life you want. It gives you the courage to take risks, and the resilience to recover when things go wrong. It gives you the ability to survive and thrive on your own. And at the same time, it bonds you with others in a way that is healthy and not needy. It teaches you that every relationship you create helps you know yourself better.⠀

I also love that for women, the sacral chakra is literally the birth canal. This means when it is flowing and open, you have the ability to give birth to the life you want with the people you want in it.⠀

Sounds pretty fabulous, doesn’t it?⠀

What’s not so fabulous is if your sacral chakra is out of alignment. It can attract unhealthy relationships - romantic and otherwise - that make you feel abandoned and powerless. ⠀

When this second energy center is unbalanced, it can reveal itself in several ways. You can either withdraw from people and connections; or become attached like glue to people who are not good for you.⠀

But you have the ability to change this and in the process, bring in the love you want. Try out several tried and true chakra balancing methods such as reiki healing, focused meditation, and yoga poses that open your hips.⠀