Enlightened Path Healing

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Walking into Your Power

Do you trust your gut or are you constantly second guessing yourself?⠀

Your ability to follow your instincts is rooted in your third or solar plexus chakra. When all is in alignment with this chakra, you are a human magnet. You have a calm confidence that inspires others and draws them to you. This courage and faith in yourself protects you from the influence of other people who are looking to cloud your judgement or control the direction of your life.⠀

It follows then that when your solar plexus is out of balance, your decisions - including those related to love - are driven by fear and insecurity. When you are feeling low and unsure of yourself, you are drawn to people who do not serve your highest good. The old saying “you can’t love someone else until you love yourself” is based in this truth. I’d actually change the “can’t” to “shouldn’t” - if you don’t love yourself, you are vulnerable to people who will try to control and manipulate you. ⠀

I like to think of the solar plexus chakra as the earthy twin to the mystical third eye chakra. While your third eye takes in and processes information from the universe, the solar plexus is your internal GPS. It reflects what is going on inside you. So when it is balanced and running smoothly, you will instinctively know what action to take or words to say in any situation. And when your third and sixth chakras are both in balance - look out world! ⠀

If you aren’t feeling like the captain of your own ship, you aren’t alone. In fact, it is the second most commonly blocked chakra in my clients (FYI: the throat chakra is #1. We will get to that one later). But have no fear! There are some simple practices you can integrate into your daily routine to keep it open and flowing. Try breathing deeply with you hand placed over the area above your belly button. Imagine it softening and relaxing with every breath, and filling with a vibrant yellow energy. ⠀

Try this whenever you are feeling nervous and the butterflies in your stomach are fluttering.