Enlightened Path Healing

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Step One: Love Yourself

When love is healthy and genuine, it usually leads to something great. And our capacity to love others is a reflection of what we think about ourselves.

It sounds easy enough but focusing on yourself can be the hardest thing to do.

I‘ve been there. In the past, I always tried to conform to what I thought I should be. But then I realized in order for me to have a fulfilling life, I needed to do things that made ME happy and not wait for others to provide my joy.

The truth is, happiness is an inside job. It can only be achieved from within.

A lot of people go through periods where they feel like they're not good enough. They think that working hard and being successful is the only way to be happy. But what if the opposite was true? What if you could make yourself happy by taking care of yourself?

I started with small self-care steps. I did things that made me smile, even if they seemed a bit selfish or vain. These small acts of self-care have made me realize that I'm awesome just the way I am. And so are you,

You are perfect just the way you are. You have a unique set of traits that cannot be found anywhere else. How boring would life be if we were all the same?

You deserve happiness and self-respect. You are amazing after all! Give yourself a break today!