Enlightened Path Healing

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The Meaning of Healing

What is a healer and what does it mean to be “healed?”

Your first experience with healing was probably when you skinned your knee as a child. An adult put some antiseptic spray on it (I still remember that sting years later!), covered it with a Band-Aid, and sent you on your way. After a few days, a scab formed, which then fell off, revealing new, pink skin.

Clients don’t come to me with scrapes and bruises … not visible ones, anyway. While I do work with people who are dealing with physical issues, most are looking for healing around a relationship - love, work, or otherwise . This type of healing doesn’t end when the scab comes off. It’s ongoing and something that becomes part of your life.

Energy healing is not a cure, and it’s not magic. It won’t bend someone else’s will so they do whatever you want (even if you could do that, DON’T). The only person you can - and should - ant to master is you. If you are acting from a place of strength instead of reacting to how someone is behaving, you are going to feel empowered. You’ll speak your truth because you know that your needs will be met, and you’ll be fine no matter what happens.

So how does reiki and other forms of energy healing work? Every healer has their own method, and there isn’t a one size fits all for ant client. I typically incorporate intuition, meditation, and mantras into my sessions. I use them to open up any blocks in the client - usually located in the chakras. Chakras are energy centers in our bodies that affect our emotional and physical well-being. Aligning them can unearth feelings and emotions ranging from relaxation and calm, to sadness. A client said it was the first time she ever experienced an emotional release. She didn’t realize how much she was holding inside.

My goal as a healer is not to make you dependent on me for your well-being. I aim is to help you recognize and use all the tools you already have at your disposal to create the life you want. As Glinda the Good Witch said to Dorothy: “You had the power all along my dear.”

Are you ready to take that first step in your healing journey? Let’s connect.