‘Tis the Season to Be Stressed
The holidays are a time of peace and love, but they're also stressful. Between buying gifts, preparing food, paying bills, and attending social gatherings, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. These feelings often go unnoticed because we're so busy with all these tasks. but that doesn't mean they should be ignored. Below are some simple ways you can keep your stress in check.
Take a deep breath, turn your thoughts like a cloud and let them go.
Practice gratitude for what you already have and focus on what's good in your life.
Use coping strategies that work for you, like exercise, meditation, breathing, and going for a walk.
Be kind to yourself and be mindful of your thoughts.
Take time for self-care – this is not selfish, it's necessary.
Get the support you need from friends and family.
Spend some time with loved ones that you really enjoy being with and surround yourself with. with people who will make you feel better.