Enlightened Path Healing

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What is Your Superpower?

I'm walking on sunshine. My interview with Pirie Jones Grossman about my healing business is the gift that keeps giving. The article and accompanying video were not only featured in Authority Magazine but also Thrive Global. (Shameless plug: You can read the article here.)

I love that the headline of the Thrive Global piece "labels" me as authentic. It was one of my answers to the question: what are your top three qualities? I choose authentic as one of my responses because after years of self-work, I can truly say I am comfortable in my skin. When I meet people, I feel ok with letting them see the real me because ... well ... it’s awesome. And because I am secure with myself, others feel safe showing who they are to me.

By putting my true self out there, I have been able to connect with clients who can benefit from my healing sessions. They are such a gift to me, and it has been an honor to work with them.

What is your power word? Live it. Embody it. Share it.

PS: I am so grateful to Alex Dreyfuss who took the headshot featured in the article and directed the accompanying video. He is a talented graphic designer who brought my website to life. Check him out if you are looking to brand or rebrand your business.