Enlightened Path Healing

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When Spirituality Feels Like a Competition

Spirituality is such a beautiful journey. It invites us to heal, grow, and connect with something greater than ourselves. But let’s be honest—sometimes, it can start to feel like a competition. Have you ever felt like someone was using their spiritual practices or beliefs to one-up others? Maybe they even made you feel “less spiritual” because your path didn’t look like theirs?

If so, you’re not alone. This is what happens when spirituality and superiority get tangled up. It’s easy to fall into—after all, the ego is sneaky! Instead of using spirituality as a way to connect and grow, some people (and let’s be real, sometimes we) use it to compare, judge, or prove something. But here’s the thing: true spirituality isn’t being better than anyone else. It’s being better connected—to ourselves, to others, and to life itself.

How Superiority Shows Up in Spirituality

Let’s take a closer look at how this might show up. No judgment here—just awareness, because we’ve all probably seen it (or done it) in some way:

The Spiritual Hierarchy Game: Ever hear someone talk about being “more evolved” or “more awake”? It can feel like spirituality is turned into a ladder, with some people claiming to be at the top while others are “behind.” But here’s the truth: there’s no race, no competition, and no finish line.

The “Right Way” Myth: “This is the only way to meditate.” “You have to follow this teacher.” Superiority often disguises itself as certainty. But spirituality isn’t one-size-fits-all—it’s as unique as the people practicing it.

Performing Spirituality: Have you ever felt like someone was doing yoga, meditating, or talking about energy work just to show off? When spirituality is about appearances instead of authenticity, it loses its magic.

Judging Others’ Journeys: This one can be subtle: labeling someone as “low-vibe” or dismissing their struggles because they’re “not aligned.” It’s easy to forget that everyone is working through something, and no one’s path looks the same.

Creating an “In Group”: Superiority thrives on exclusivity. Whether it’s being part of a spiritual clique or claiming access to secret knowledge, it can make spirituality feel like a club instead of the open, inclusive experience it’s meant to be.

Getting Back to the Heart of Spirituality

So how do we move past this? First, it helps to remember that spirituality is about progress. It’s okay to notice moments of superiority in ourselves or others. What matters is how we respond.

Here are a few ideas to stay grounded and connected:

Lead with Humility: The truth is, we’re all learning. None of us have all the answers, and that’s okay. Humility reminds us that our journey is just one of many—and no one’s is better or worse than another’s.

Be Curious, Not Critical: If you catch yourself judging someone else’s spiritual path (or feeling judged), take a step back. Ask yourself: What can I learn here? How can I hold space for them—and for myself?

Check Your Intentions: Before sharing a spiritual insight or practicing in public, ask yourself: Am I doing this because it feels true and meaningful to me or because I want to be seen a certain way? This little pause can make a big difference.

Celebrate the Messiness: Spirituality is growing, healing, and becoming. You will never figure it all out. Let’s embrace the messy, imperfect, and beautiful process we all navigate.

It’s Not a Competition—It’s a Connection

At its best, spirituality is about coming home to ourselves and each other. It’s not how many affirmations you say, how often you meditate, or how aligned your chakras are. It’s how you live—how you treat people, how you show up, and how much love you bring into the world.

Let’s let go of the need to be “the most spiritual” person in the room. Instead, let’s focus on being kind, compassionate, and open. Because in the end, spirituality isn’t a race or a contest. It’s a journey we’re all taking together.