A Guide To Seeing Auras

Auras are more than just pretty colors. Energy radiates from our bodies and forms our aura. Learning about auras and how to harness their energy could change how you see and interact with the world and others.

Seeing the aura is a matter of taking your eyes slightly out of focus. Suppose you've ever been able to see those holographic picture-in-a-picture things. In that case, you shouldn't have any trouble seeing auras as you do exactly the same thing with your eyes.

The first time I was at a class and this topic came up; I had no luck whatsoever with seeing the auras of the other folks at the workshop. That night I went over to the bookstore and grabbed a bunch of the holograph picture books and sat there till I could relax my eyes and see them. The next day when I went back for the rest of the course, I didn't have any trouble seeing the auras of the other attendees.

Have your training partner stand in front of a light-colored wall in a dimly lit room. Have your partner hold one finger in front of their face, about 6 inches out from their chin.

Now focus your eyes on their finger, not their face. Have them remove their fingers but keep looking at the same spot. You'll have to relax your eyes a bit to do this. Now, using that same relaxed vision, if you look at them, you should be able to see what looks like a bit of line that runs all around them a couple of inches out from their body.

The next layer out is even fainter and may have colors associated with it. The different meanings of the colors vary widely depending on who you're talking to. My advice in this area is to open up your awareness and see which colors seem to be associated most often with which types of people and their behaviors.

Play with this a bit. Does their aura change when they think happy thoughts? Sad thoughts? Angry thoughts?

Some people can see auras instantly, and others have to work at it. Don't be too put out if it takes a while. As you work with this, you'll gradually become aware of even more subtle layers of energy that surround people. You may also find that you can actually feel another person's chakras and even discern their dominant chakra, which instantly tells you how that person is likely to react to any given stimuli.


My Spiritual Journey: Trece Spalten


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