Be Kind, Be Happy

Be soulful. Be kind. Be in love. ~  Rumi

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that one of my guiding lights is the poetry of Rumi. This quote is one of my favorites, and I often end my Reiki sessions with it. It's much more than a closing prayer; it's a reminder to myself.

Recently two dear friends gifted me with a bracelet with the words: "Be Kind. "They said it reminded them of me and that it was my motto. Can you imagine such a compliment?

The most beautiful thing about kindness is that it is something we can all share with the world. Many of my clients struggle with wounds from past relationships. I tell them that it's unnecessary to love everyone, especially if the relationship is unhealthy and does not serve their highest good. 

However, it's important and necessary to be kind to all. It's the difference between offering directions to a stranger who is lost and driving them to their destination. Everyone can do the first. The second one is genuinely optional.

Kindness, like other virtues, is catching. Doing something kind for others generates positive feelings within us and makes us feel better about ourselves. People who receive kind words feel better about themselves and want to help others.

Bringing kindness to all around you is the best force against anger, hatred, and negativity. What can you do to spread kindness today?


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