Creating a Healthy Workplace
There's a pervasive myth that because of work-from-home and hybrid situations, people are working less these days. As it turns out, we spend more time working than on anything else. And if you've returned to the office full-time, you likely see your co-workers more often than your friends and family.
That means it's important for bosses and supervisors to be proactive about the mental well-being of their employees. Not just because it is the right thing to do, but because they'll likely be more productive if they're happy and healthy.
Below are four ways to help you create a healthy workplace.
1. A successful business starts with an effective team. The management should be committed to maintaining a healthy and empowering work atmosphere that is focused on the well-being of employees. Effective managers make sure their team members understand what is expected of them, provide clear feedback, and offer the tools for success.
2. A recent study shows that employees who have participated in workplace wellness programs are more creative and had fewer absences than employees who didn't. These programs can be as simple as setting up a lunchtime walking program or bringing in a meditation teacher to lead weekly classes.
3. Offer benefits to the staff such as subsidized gym memberships, nutrition counseling, and stress management classes.
4. Encourage employees to take time for themselves by implementing a mandatory lunch break policy, and giving employees an allotted amount of time each day to use as they please. Even more importantly, set boundaries on when employees can be contacted (emergencies do arise, of course). especially when they are on vacation.