Ready to Create a Beautiful Future?

Buckle up buttercups. July is coming.

July is a big deal because it means we are halfway through the year. And what a year it’s been so far! We emerged from lockdown — in the US at least — and began the walk towards post-COVID life. Maybe you are getting ready to start commuting to work again. Maybe you began to do little things you hadn’t been able to do in awhile - one of my big little things is wearing lipstick when I go out.

But as much as you’d like to forget about all the stress and isolation you experienced, you can’t just snap your fingers and banish them from your memory. That is the same for any pain you carry with you. It has to be acknowledged, felt, taken apart, and healed.

I’m here to guide you on your path.

After weeks of creating, I’m almost ready to share the details of my Enlightened Path Healing signature program. This eight-week, 1-on-1 program combines intuitive energy healing, meditation, and other tools to help you heal the past and remove roadblocks in the present, so you can create a beautiful future.

If all goes according to plan, on Thursday, July 22 I’ll be posting a video to Instagram to tell you all about it. I created this program to help you get unstuck, and start walking in your power.

Are you ready to join me?


How Come I'm Not Married to Keanu Reeves Yet?


Happy birthday to ... ME!