Is it Fear or Intiution Talking?

There are a few terms you hear a lot when you’re in the spiritual realm. Healing. Manifesting. And intuition.

If you’ve been looking for a spiritual coach, chances are they call themselves an intuitive or say they are intuitively guided. And you’ve most likely been told you and everyone on the earth is intuitive. But how do you know that your intuition comes from a place of deep wisdom? Maybe it’s a reflection of your own biases and fears. Or maybe your subconscious is providing you with an excuse to avoid something.

Forunately, it’s easy to tell if you are receiving a message from your intuition. The most telling sign is the information is presented to you in a matter of fact manner. Your spidey senses won't be tingling and there is no sense of fight or flight. You are drawing the information from your own personal power, power you might not even be aware that you have.

Fear sits differently in our bodies. It usually presents itself through physical reactions such as sweating or shaking. It makes us want to flee (or even fight).

Intuition provides us with the roadmap and strength to navigate any obstacle. Intuition is very focused on the present and what is going on right now, Fear is about living in a worst case scenario future.

But you already knew that.


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