Magic of Spiritual Downloads

If you follow any mystical influencers, you've heard them talk about "spiritual downloads." If you are wondering what they are, I'm here to break it down for you.

A spiritual download is a file of information that contains consciousness and spiritual power from a higher being —-God, Spirit, the Universe, whatever resonates with you! Information can be taken in through the eyes while meditating or through direct touch, such as with Reiki. Downloads are available to you regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey - in fact, you've probably had them already.

Sometimes, it may feel like you're being contacted by an unknown voice when you get these downloads. They can be messages from another realm, visions, or even data sent telepathically with cryptic words. These messages may be unclear or contradict themselves, and they may not always make sense at the time you receive them. But now that you have this information, it will make sense to you at the perfect time.

For me, a spiritual download is when I suddenly feel the need to release my energy. It usually doesn't require any effort on my part and is more of a feeling than anything else. They just happen, and it feels good. Some people interpret this as their "aura" expanding.

You'll find that letting go of your worries, trusting the advice you receive, and being in the moment will often lead to a download. Spiritual downloads can be really helpful because they can advise you about handling certain situations or people. They'll also offer you a sense of support and comfort when you need it.


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