Setting Intentions for the New Year

As the New Year comes into view, I find myself reflecting on the past and looking forward to new beginnings. Today, I want to share the power of setting intentions for the year ahead, a practice that's much more than making resolutions.

Intentions are the soul's true desires, guiding our journey through the year. Unlike specific resolutions, they are about how we want to feel, grow, and connect with ourselves and the world around us. They're our inner compass, leading us to a more fulfilling life.

Setting intentions aligns our actions with our deepest values and aspirations. It's about focusing on what truly matters, fostering a sense of purpose and direction. For example, suppose my intention is to cultivate more mindfulness. In that case, I naturally embrace practices that ground me in the present moment.

How I Set My Intentions

Reflect and Connect: Before setting intentions, I take time to reflect. What brought me joy last year? What lessons did I learn? I might stroll through Church Street or find a cozy spot at Tea and Co. to ponder these questions.

Feel, Don't Just Think: I let my heart lead the way. What makes me feel alive and connected? My intentions resonate with my inner self, not just a mental checklist.

Be Open and Flexible: Intentions are fluid and can evolve. It's okay if they shift or grow as the year progresses.

Incorporate Mindfulness: Practices like Reiki and mindfulness, which I'm passionate about, help solidify my intentions. They bring calm and clarity, making it easier to stay true to my inner desires.

Create Reminders: I use visual cues like writing in a journal or creating a vision board. Sometimes, a simple note on my bathroom mirror is enough.

Living my intentions is an ongoing process. It's about making small, consistent choices that align with my desired path. Whether starting my day with a mindful moment, attending a Reiki session, or being kinder to myself, every step counts.

Setting intentions is a beautiful practice that opens the door to personal growth and fulfillment. Remember, it's not about perfection but progress and presence. Let's embrace this New Year with open hearts and intentions that reflect our true selves.


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