Time for Spring Cleaning

I live on the East Coast and March is always a roller coaster ride of weather. In between the cold days, we have those where we can feel spring peeking in. The foot and a half of snow that fell last month is all but gone, the days are getting longer, and my allergies are starting to act up.⠀

I love the duality of this month. How the chilly weather slowly gives way to blooming flowers and singing birds. No other month feels quite like this one. It inspires me to shed my inner layers along with the outer ones and forge new paths.⠀

This time last year, I took the first steps in following my passion and turning it into a business. I researched and found the teachers I wanted to accompany me on my journey. I started training to become a Reiki master and a mindset/meditation coach, and signed up for a business workshop. Five months later I officially hung my shingle and Enlightened Path Healing opened its virtual doors.⠀

Through this experience of changing my career path, I have expanded myself in ways I never thought were possible. As an unexpected bonus, I have met many people who have become a permanent part of my life.⠀

I haven't completely laid down the groundwork for this year's quest. Maybe it will be the year I become fluent in Italian. But I sense that it will be a time for becoming re-acquainted with small joys that I took for granted but weren't able to experience this past year.⠀


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