Becoming the Healer Next Door

While on the path to becoming a healer, I became a small business owner.

It’s been exciting, liberating, scary, and intimidating. Because of my background, marketing came easy to me. Bookkeeping, not so much.

As part of my Authority Magazine interview, I created a video of the five things I wish someone told me before I opened my business. I hope my experiences saves someone a bead of sweat or two.

When your starting any new venture, it’s a lot of on the job training. The important thing is to not get caught up in your mistakes. Learn from them and keep going! And be sure to celebrate your successes, no matter how small.

I wanted to give a special thanks to a member of my “team,” Alex Dreyfuss who directed my video, He’s also a very talented graphic designer who worked on my website. Check him out if you are looking for new branding.


Loving Difficult People


Authority Magazine Repost: Second Chapters