Connecting with Your Spirit Guides

Even when you’re alone, you’re not by yourself.

Does that sentence make you feel safe or just a teeny bit creeped out? Let me assure you, there isn’t a clown hiding in the closet or a monster under your bed. I’m talking about those beings of light that are your personal cheerleading squad: your spirit guides.

On May 23, I’m heading up a workshop with my friend and kick-ass intuitive-medium-healer Trece Spalten to help you connect with your guides. Do you want to believe in them but aren’t convinced they exist? Pull up a chair. I’ve got a story!

I first started working with my guides accidentally. My BFF and I would play a game while driving: ask a question and the first full song that came on the radio would contain the answer. Most of the time, we wound up laughing hysterically at the song that came up. But there is one instance that still stands out to me. I asked about a person I recently met. I thought they were a good person but they had some quirks that were making me uneasy and they were clearly hiding something (life story: and yet, I persisted). As I did many times, I asked the radio what I should do. The response: static. Nothing. Silence. My radio went dead.

It doesn’t take an intuitive to know the situation with this person spectacularly crashed and burned. Shortly after that, I was so fortunate to study with Mastin Kipp, and my healing journey officially began. And that included building a relationship with my guides.

When I look back at the radio message and other situations like it, I realized my guides tried to warn me in every way possible but I didn’t listen. They knew I was going to do what I wanted, so they let me walk the path myself. But they were there to catch me when I fell.

These days I know and value the perspective of my guides. They are on hand during my healing sessions and they help me connect with my client’s energy in the way that will serve them best. I often get an intuitive message that was clearly passed from their guides to mine.

Do you have a relationship with your holy helpers?


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