Flipping the Switch

You remember it so clearly.

The switch flipped. Something clicked. You had an a-ha moment.

Whatever you call it, it's the moment you realized you wanted something different or better for yourself. Your world cracked open and you were ready to walk in your power.

I’m struck by how the universe always rises up and meets me when I make the decision to leap. The right teachers and trusted allies appear. Resources become available. And most importantly, I get clarity on why everything before this didn’t work out - that covers everything from jobs to relationships to a new apartment.

It's true. When you stop resisting and instead follow your purpose, you will be amazed by how easily things fall into place.

Here’s one of my stories.

I always dreamt of opening my own business but I didn’t know where to start. I was scared to give up a steady paycheck and job for something that could fail. I sketched out a few plans but never put them into action,. But then COVID-19 hit, I was islolated, and I had many hours to fill. I knew this was the time for me to pursue my passion. The day I made that commitment, a friend off-handedly mentioned Michelle Ward, founder of 90 Day Business Launch.

I checked her out, and she just *happened* to be starting a new session in a month. I had a consultation call with her, loved her and her work, and signed up. By following her plan, in four weeks I had a name for my company, branding, and a website. And - get this - that was before her workshop even started!

What was the last time you went big and bold? If it's been a minute, then maybe it's time for you to stretch your wings. Feeling stuck? Let’s talk! I am offering a free chakra balancing session that will ID those internal roadblocks. You can sign up here!


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