Seeing with the Third Eye Chakra

I have three eyes: Two to look, One to see. ~ Bellamor ⠀

This week we will be exploring the third eye chakra, and learning how it impacts our relationships. If you’ve ever taken a yoga class, you’re familiar with this mystical energy center and know how important it is to keep it open. But what exactly does it do? ⠀
This sixth chakra connects you to the universe and activates your intuition. Did you ever know something was going to happen before it does? That’s your third eye chakra at work. Woo talk aside, your third eye chakra also helps you see the big picture and teaches you not to sweat the small stuff. You instinctively know things are unfolding exactly the way they should be, and the end result will be for your greater good and for the good of others.⠀

You can see (ha!) how an open third eye benefits your relationships. Your connection with spirit and all beings of light fills you with joy and love. You don’t look to your partner to make you whole because you already are. You know that all your needs will be met from within yourself or with your partner - an important distinction from by your partner.⠀

A blocked third eye chakra has the opposite effect. You may have trouble finding joy and gratitude inside yourself, and look for your partner to complete you. It’s not fun or romantic for either person, no matter what Jerry Maguire says. Your SO has the weight of being responsible for your happiness, often without having their needs even noticed or understood by you.⠀

So what can you do if your third eye has some metaphysical gunk in it? My favorite way to clear any blocks is through a mantra or chant. One you’ve probably heard and used is “om.” Try repeating it during your next meditation. “See” if you experience a difference.


Connecting with the Universe


Are you expressing yourself?