Are you expressing yourself?

Today we are going to explore the fifth or throat chakra. This chakra, which is represented by the color blue, is your center of communication, and helps you understand and speak your inner truth. When your throat chakra is balanced, you can clearly express your thoughts, ideas, and feelings in a loving way. You also give advice to others with compassion and grace.⠀

Keeping this chakra open and flowing is key because communication is the foundation on which relationships are built. But … and this is a big BUT … I’ve come across more blocks in this chakra than any of the others. When I do healing on someone with a throat chakra that’s out of alignment, It feels like words that were never spoken are stuck in their throat - creating a big bowl of alphabet soup. ⠀

You can see where this is going. ⠀

If you are in a relationship and holding back what you are thinking and feeling, over time it is going to cause a stain on you AND your partnership. (On the flip side, an overactive throat chakra can cause damage to your partnership if you have a tendency to speak before you think). Being unable to express yourself because you are afraid your partner will react poorly or leave you will magnify your feelings of insecurity, nervousness, or anxiety. All love killers.⠀

So what can you do to get that throat chakra open so you can walk in your truth and say what’s on your mind without fear? A reiki healing session is super effective for getting this chakra in alignment, and removing those stuck words that no longer serve you. I also suggest giving yoga and journaling a try. ⠀


Seeing with the Third Eye Chakra


Talking about Healing