Healer Next Door Blog

Discovering the Magic of Fall: Finding Joy in the Season of Change

Demystifying the Mystical: Tarot Readers

Understanding The Types Of Psychic Abilities

Why I Took a Break from Social Media (and Why You Might Need One Too)

Spiritual Wellness Can Create Balance in Your Life

Finding Your Unique Spiritual Path

Feeling Like Summer's Slipping Away?

Navigating Turbulent Times

The Pitfalls of Seeking External Validation

What Does it Mean to be Happy?

It's Okay to Hit Snooze on Your Spiritual Practice

Connecting with the Sun's Healing Energy

Discovering Your Unique Worth: Why Being Different Is a Strength

Meditation and Reiki: How They Work Together

It's ok to Take the Easy Path

Accepting the Things You Don't Find Lovable

Extending Grace to Yourself When You Mess Up

How to Stay in Tune with Yourself

Why I No Longer Use White Sage in Rituals